Imani was on register when this hispanic guy comes in..
and orders
Hispanic Guy: Yea.. lemme get the 2 for five.
Imani: Huh?
Hispanic Guy: The 2 for 5... 2 for 5 you know that thing in your window...the speacial whatever it is chicken biscuit thing.
Imani: *searches her screen* Sasha come here for a minute.
Me: Yea
Imani: Where's the 2 for 5 Chicken Biscuit?
Me: *Scans screen and presses 2 for 3 Sausages McMuffin*
Me and her argue for a little as I explain.. theres no such thing a s achicken biscuit speacial...we ask if he wants the 2 for 3 special. He's like yeah whatever.
Imani: $3.25
Me: *puts his food on the counter* Have a GoodMorning sir.
Hispanic Guy: *looks at the food like it grew a head and started breakdancing. Picks up the bag and toss it back towards the counter* I want it fresh.
Imani: Those are fresh. they just came up.
Hispanic Guy: No... fresch from the kicthen the cocina fresch.
Imani: Its the morning. we just made those.
Hispanic Guy: *blank stare*
Me: Sir Those are fresh. its morning they just made them, like ten seconds before you came in.
Hispanic Guy: *to Imani* either you give me them fresh.. or I go in there .[or some ol bullshit like that]
So at this point my manager comes to the counter and ask what's wrong. Me and Imani tell her what happens and the guy continues to say I want it fresh from the cocina!
Manager: Listen these were just made. either you take these or you get your money back.
Hispanic Guy: Give me my money back then.
My manager does the refund and steps the the side of the counter while Imani is getting the cash to give it back to Mr. I see him looking at her with this scowl on his face.
Imani: *puts the money on the counter* Heres your three dollars and twenty-five cents.
Hispanic Guy:...*pauses while he picks up his money from the counter*
You know what.. thats why Obama isn't going to win the election.
Imani: Okay...what does he have to do with me?... He's not putting no money in my pocket.
Hispanic Guy: because you people have no respec-
Imani: Thank you have a nice day. Don't forget you bag.
[FYI there was a crumpled up old McDonalds bag he had came in with and set it on the counter top lol]
Hispanic Guy: You Niggers have no respect.
Imani: WHAT YOU SAID!!??
Hispanic Guy: Niggers, Niggers have no respect.
Manager: You can leave now. *she shows him the door..all the while still calling us niggers cursing out my manager*
Imani was heated and everyone was like what happened what happened.
Anyway to put it plain and simple... I don't get how you can come into a McDonalds locateed in the bronx and have the audacity to say.."You Niggers need to have respect." When your a dirty ol' drunk Spanish bastard who lives right around the corner.
I mean when he said it I was like..."woah.. what this nigga on"
but it didn't really phase me. To a certain point you have to know when people are just ignorant.
I mean sure if somebody who looked like Mr.Rogers came in the store with his Mercedes parked outside and called us all Nigger McMuffins, then I would have been hurt.
I would've retaliated. i would've gotten fired or arrested or somethng.
But, your no better than us.
your spanish and to my knowledge. Your Black.
your not white or two shades from it. your spanish. and personally you better pray to God that Obama wins.
you think your so different from us because you speak a different language and come from an island.
I remeber I was in school and this girl was spanish like Dominican or something.
and her hair texture was that of black people
she really thought she could pull off that whole "wet and wavy thing" that most these spanish girls have going for them.
it looked like someone threw condition on coarse coochie hair.
when I asked her.. why don't you just get a relaxer.
"Ay No, thats for black people. I'm not black!!'
like she was so offended.
I'm like bitch. All your shit going to fall out.
and it did. and she still doing the same thing with whats left of her coochie hair.
but seriously. Get over yourself.
Puerta Ricans and Dominicans alike.
I mean you worship our culture. The hip-hop,
the sneakers, the mentality, the exterior. but when it comes right down to giving props. you wanna front like you knew bout it straight from the boat.
Im just saying.
people from Spain don't even consider you to be spanish.. or call yourself Latinos.
man fuck that.
Im a Nigger and your a nigger she's a nigger and he's a nigger. and apparently so is half the fucking world.
put it like this. when shit really hit the fan and its the majority versus the "minority" we all on the same boat.
Cazzarubiaz, Altagracia, Derwan, and Shaquasha.
try watching the 25th hour.
Still think your the shit and better?
Nas - Be A Nigger Too
still on a lighter note something to make you feel better

by. The Dark Rose
feeling completely offended! i understand your side and i truly hate dealing with ignorant people like that also. but i fell like in your post you completely bash hispanic,spanish,latino people. some uneducated people being black or latino can be ignorant in someway or the other. but just because of one ignorant person im not going to judge a whole culture. you being of color and speaking of colored people both african american or Hispanic in the way that you did in the post make it okay for white people to treat us the way they do and to categorize us and even be scared of us. i think both of our cultures are beautiful and instead of bashing them we should praise the good things we have and all the changes we've made in this country instead of basing the identity of one culture on a drunk fool who was probably raised in a farm somewhere in junumucu and doesnt even know how to write or read.