
Is it any wonder why?....

Am I wrong if Iive in the bronx and I buy a pair of Pradas?

Am I wrong if I work at McDonalds and buy designer jeans?

Am I wrong if I chose to use my money, to get material things because I know in the future..Im going to be succesful?

Is it wrong for me to admire the things everybody else has
... and to secretly desire them?

Is it wrong for you to feel bad for your friend because they don't have it like that and you do?

Is it wrong for wanting to be accepted?

Is it wrong to feel strongly for something, others believe to be nonsensical?

.... I just wanted to know.



  1. standard
    you worked hard for the kong to be able to buy these things so why not buy designer labels

  2. don't question the "wrong" in your actions. (well.. considering they're not detrimental to the well being of you or others)

    life's short. be impulsive if you want.


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