soo I did a post about her favorite show.
She has really good taste anyway so um check an episode if your tired of
your normal everday routine.
Kuroshitsuji... the black butler... oooo SUSPENSE!!
As for me I'm back into watching my favorite show when we had television.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Basically a spin of the original version coming from a different angle. Imma sound real geeked up right now but, subs are wayyyyy better than dubs. Not particularly this show. The dubbing and subbing are pretty well done... but other shit..*ahem* Sailor Moon, yea.. we don't have to go there.
II i gotta go clean my room cause grandma coming over, she a direct descent from Jamaican woman who are crazy about cleaning so time to dig into my back and find my lil piece and put it to work.
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